December 2021 Updates
A movie adaptation of Kurt Amacker and Karl Slominski's 2012 graphic novel Tad Caldwell and the Monster Kid has been filmed and is currently being edited. The film is directed by Laura Duvall and stars Jason Kirkpatrick, Jake Alexander Williams, Olivia Worley, and Scott Innes, among many others. You can check out the whole cast here and see pictures and social media updates here. Scott Innes (current voice of Scooby Doo) also recorded an original song and music video for the soundtrack. The script is very faithful to the original comic, although some settings and locations had to be changed to accommodate logistics and scheduling. More information as it becomes available.
A sequel to Tad Caldwell and the Monster Kid (the graphic novel) is in development. It takes place two years later. Nathan is dealing with the trauma of nearly being killed and has taken to the airwaves as a pirate radio host. It should be out sometime next year. Dark Notes Press will accept submissions for illustrators in a few weeks.
Dead Souls: Resurrection is still available in the store and at Amazon and Comixology, along with t-shirts, stickers, and buttons.